

Last night I had a dream, correction, a dream within a dream (inception much =P). It is probably the first time I have one, at least it is the only one i remembered.

anyways, in my second layer, I remember I had a cavity, and then i touch the tooth and it started loosening. the cavity tooth finally fell out and all my other teeth started to come out one by one as well. At first I was nervous as hell and I remember my brother was beside me comforting me. I was thinking about how from now on i needed fake teeth and stuff. but when the last tooth fell out I suddenly realized it's only a dream and woke up from the second layer.

In the first layer (after i woke up from the teeth dream), I was in a dorm room, the room is kinda like my room in highschool with my desk from hk. anyways, I knew it's my room right away. then I got out and there's an empty living room with a couple people standing by the window. I knew they are my flatmates although I don't remember their faces.

An older lady in a suit came in the front door right after I met everyone and told us we had leave right away. I told her I haven't packed yet and she questioned why I didn't do it in advance. I rushed to my rooms and started looking for boxes and containers (funny thing, I packed my paper toys first out of everything ...LOL...what the heck was I thinking)... again my brother just came out of nowhere and helped me pack. While panicking I finally woke up.

I wouldn't say it's a horror dream, but it sure was unpleasing. I checked online about teeth loosing dreams and the answers were all about insecurity, not being able to take control and fear of growing old. I guess it kinda make sense since I donno what direction I am going towards in life. I am literally in the Limbo state of real life. Come to think of it, it's kinda funny (or sad) how all my bad dreams from when I was a kid are about vampires, ghosts and of course the finger chopping magician clown. And now all my bad dreams are about real life stress, lack of the sense of belonging and work. Life itself is ten times more frightening than the chopping clown.

Lastly I just wanna thank Nick for saving me all the time, even in my own imagination. I can't imagine a world without him.

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